4D Analytics

Status Chart

Last updated: July 10, 2020

Widget size: 1 x 2 , 1 x 4

This widget displays values of binary points represented as bars with colour segments. The colours represent the value of the data points (red = 0; green = 1).

Click on any of the status bars and the widget will drilldown to a Multi Chart of data for the point(s), or maximise the widget to fit the screen.

Clicking the maximise icon at the top right of the widget will also maximise the widget to fit the screen.

Multi Chart

This is a linked page that displays a single chart for each of the points arranged vertically on the page.

Clicking on one of the charts brings up a popup of the engineering chart for the point.


Widget Configuration – The following configuration affects the whole widget.

Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Status Chart Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
Period Selection Dashboard / Period Selector If Dashboard/Report Selector is selected, then the values of each bar on the chart relate to the period specified in the dashboard period selector. The second option, Historical / Future Days, indicates that both historic and future data will ber displayed. The data retrieved will be in accordance with the settings Historical Days and Future Days.
Historical Days 5 Used when Period Selector option is set to Historical / Future Days. Specifies how many days worth of historical data to retrieve.
Future Days 2 Used when Period Selector option is set to Historical / Future Days. Specifies how many days worth of future data to retrieve.
Drilldown Target Popup Specifies how the drilldown is displayed. Popup or New Window.
X Axis Date Format Default Specify the date format for the X-Axis.

See the following link for full list of options: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_date_format.asp

X Axis Label Font Size, Rotation Chart Default Change the X-axis font size and rotation if required. The syntax is pixel size, degrees - for example, 10px,315
Refresh Period No Refresh Select a refresh period from the drop down menu from between 15 seconds to 1 hour, or No Refresh at all.
Binary 1 Label Name Specifies the label to display for series representing 1. Options are 1, Open, Closed, On, Off, Open/On, Closed/Off
Binary 0 Label Name Specifies the label to display for series representing 0. Options are 0, Open, Closed, On, Off, Open/On, Closed/Off

Row Configuration – The following configuration is done on an individual row (pie segment) basis. Each row can be set independently of another.

Label [PointName] If left blank, and there is more than one point configured per row, then only the first point name is chosen. A label can be used to override the point name

Row 1 – Row 12. Each row corresponds to an individual status bar.

Click the plus icon to add additional rows.

Enter PointIDs of points to appear as bars.

Points over multiple sites can be configured, and the chart will update as each site/container is selected by the dashboard navigation treeview. For multi-site configuration, unless the points per row share the same point names, then using a custom "Label" for each row would be required.